
Green Ant Gin

When it blows, the wattle flowers, and we feast; cockles and stingrays are plump, as is the bum of the green bush ant.

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Bush Apple Gin

When the heavy rains start, bush apples are collected from the tree tops and placed in harvesting buckets in Maningrida through Bawinanga, and from the Darwin area by the Motlop family


Native Yam Vodka

Made from a base of wild-harvested native yams from the Northern Territory, this vodka has balanced earthy flavours and creamy, nutty notes


Bush Honey & Wattleseed Coffee Liqueur

As the sun pokes its head out from behind the clouds, bees collect nectar from native eucalypts to make sugar bags.  These are hand harvested from the hollows of trees, making a floral and sweet bush honey.  
